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个人简介: 王中林教授,佐治亚理工学院终身校董事讲席教授、Hightower终身讲席教授、中科院北京纳米能源与系统研究所所长和首席科学家,中科院外籍院士、欧洲科学院院士、加拿大工程院院士、韩国科学技术院外籍院士和台湾中研院院士。2015年、2017年诺贝尔奖被提名者,2018能源界诺贝尔奖——埃尼奖(Eni Award)的获奖者,国际公认的纳米科学与技术领域的领军型科学家。此外,王院士是国际纳米能源领域著名刊物 Nano Energy (最新IF:15.30)的创刊主编和现任主编。
        王中林教授科研成果丰硕,已在国际一流刊物上发表1500多篇论文(其中发表在《科学》、《自然》及其子刊上的文章50余篇),拥有100余项专利、7部专著和20余部主编书籍、会议文集。目前根据Google Scholar公开数据,王中林教授论文引用近20万次,标志影响力的H指数是226,目前在全球纳米科学与纳米技术领域总引用数和H指数排名世界第一。

The Physics of Contact-electrification and its Impact to the Energy for the New Era

Contact electrification (triboelectrification) effect, the most fundamental effect for electricity, has been known for over 2600 years since ancient Greek time, but its scientific mechanism remains unclear. The study of triboelectrification is recently revived due to the invention of the triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) by using the coupling of triboelectrification and electrostatic induction effects, which is the most effective approach for converting tiny mechanical energy into electricity for powering small sensors. TENG is playing a vitally important role in the distributed energy and self-powered systems, with applications in internet of things, environmental/infrastructural monitoring, medical science, environmental science and security. In this talk, we first present the physical mechanism of triboelectrification for general materials. The charge transfers between a case such as a metal-dielectric was attributed to the electron transfer between the filled states up to the Fermi level as governed by the Fermi-Dirac function. For the case of dielectric-dielectric, the charge transfer was attributed to between the surface states of the two materials. For a general case that the system cannot be described by a state surface model, an electron cloud-potential well model is proposed based on the overlap of electron wave functions across two atoms, which can be generally applied to explain all types of CE in conventional materials. Secondly, the fundamental theory of the TENGs is explored based on the Maxwell equations. In the Maxwell’s displacement current proposed in 1861, the term  gives the birth of electromagnetic wave, which is the foundation of wireless communication, radar and later the information technology. Our study indicates that, owing to the presence of surface polarization charges present on the surfaces of the dielectric media in TENG, an additional term  should be added in the Maxwell’s displacement current, which is the output electric current of the TENG. Therefore, our TENGs are the applications of Maxwell’s displacement current in energy and sensors. TENGs have three major application fields: micro/nano-power source, self-powered sensors and blue energy. We will present the applications of the TENGs for harvesting all kind mechanical energy that is available but wasted in our daily life, such as human motion, walking, vibration, mechanical triggering, rotating tire, wind, flowing water and more. Then, we will illustrate the networks based on triboelectric TENGs for harvesting ocean water wave energy, for exploring its possibility as a sustainable large-scale blue energy. Lastly, we will show that TENGs as self-powered sensors for actively detecting the static and dynamic processes arising from mechanical agitation using the voltage and current output signals. 

[1] C.Xu†, Y. Zi†, A.C. Wang†, H. Zou, Y. Dai, Xu He, P. Wang, .C. Wang, P. Feng, D. Li, Z.L. Wang* “On Electron Transfer Mechanism in Contact-Electrification Effect”, Adv. Mater. 30 (2018) 1706790.
[2] Z.L. Wang, “On Maxwell’s displacement current for energy and sensors: the origin of nanogenerators”, Materials Today, 20 (2017) 74-82.
[3] Z.L. Wang, L. Lin, J. Chen. S.M. Niu, Y.L. Zi “Triboelectric Nanogenerators”, Springer, 2016.